This is a proposal to create a new Malaysian political party to be called Malaysia 180, or simply 180 for short. The name is derived from that fact that it will be a party for all Malaysians and the aim is to turn Malaysia around 180 degrees from the direction it is heading
The overall philosophy for the party will be to protect and enhance the integrity and human rights of the Malaysian people and to provide the ideal environment for the people and hence the nation to flourish in all spheres of human endeavour
The Party will in fact not exist. There will be no membership, because every Malaysian will be an honorary member. With no members there will be fewer opportunities for cronyism, party hacks will not be awarded seats in parliament simply because they are long serving members. With no party to seek donations there will be no opportunities for individuals to curry favour by making large donations
There would be no selection process for candidates. Malaysia 180 would welcome any Malaysian above the voting age who thought they had the motivation, intelligence and compassion for their fellow Malaysians to take on the role of MP. Should there be more than one aspiring candidate in an electorate, 180 would expect the candidates to resolve the issue themselves.
The aim would be to have equal numbers of males and females in Parliament. The only limitation on applicants is that they be below 40 years of age at the time of application. They would be expected to retire at age 55.
Applicants would be discouraged from thinking of themselves as entrepreneurs and innovators, although innovation would be welcomed. Their prime duties would be as representatives of their electorate and liaison between their electorate (and for ‘Ministers’ the whole nation) and the Party and the Administration. Their secondary role would be the overseeing of the financial, performance and technical aspects of the Government Departments to which they are seconded.
There would be no Ministers as such. They would be replaced by Ministerial Groups. A Group would consist of four or six people, the number depending on the work load of the Department involved. Each Group would contain representatives of all three major racial groups and half of each Group would be female. The concept of the group making decisions is an attempt to reduce the potential for corruption, increase the range of inputs into decision making and reduce the risk of individuals making stupid comments. No member of a Group would be permitted to make unilateral decisions or statements
At this stage it is envisioned that there would be no specific Leader of the party. The reason for this is that all parliamentarians would be regarded as equals and that decisions would be made by consensus. There would be no unilateral decisions made by the ego and biasses of one person. It also eliminates the concept of icons which is all too common in Malaysian politics
The planning for Malaysia, the continuity over time, the experience required to govern a nation and the ‘wisdom’ of experience will be provided by Public Servants who will now become the real generators of Malaysia’s progress. Parliamentarians will do no more that decide which of the Administrators plans to proceed with. They will be responsible for the efficiency, productivity, integrity and honesty of their Departments.
I would prefer to remain anonymous for a number of reasons. I would not be eligible to stand for Parliament with this scenario, and at this stage, the debate should be on Malaysia 180’s philosophy and policies
More on Policies tomorrow when we look at 180’s stand on Education
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